Deaf insight and specialist clinical communication skills training

1 in 4 UK adults are deaf, rising to 80% of over 70s, Healthcare professionals feel “underprepared and under skilled” at communicating with deaf patients.

  • Through practical training delivered by deaf clinicians IDA equips healthcare professionals with the skills, confidence and knowledge to communicate effectively with deaf patients.

  • IDA is unique in that it is run by deaf clinicians who bring together their lived experience of deafness with their knowledge of working in frontline health services.

  • Hundreds of medical students, doctors and allied healthcare professionals have already received training from IDA and found it "insightful" and "essential to good safe clinical practice"

“I gained so much insight about the experience of deaf patients and staff in healthcare from this training. I think it should be essential for everyone in the health service.”

– Medical Consultant, South East England

Contact us.

If you would like to find out more or book a training session for your team or organisation, please contact us.